Friday 12 September 2014

Zion National Park, Utah

As previously...

Heading up the East Rim Trail

Zion Canyon, seen from Observation Point.
This hike is 4 miles each way with a 2,148ft climb & descend. The park guide quotes 6 hours.
I was up and down in 3 hours flat, including 15 minutes chill time at the top. Just sayin'.

Looking back at the East Rim Trail from Observation Point.
The zig-zag in the rock in the middle of the picture - that's the path. There's no guardrail.
It's perfectly safe as long as you stay close to the rock and don't look over the edge.

This reminded me of that film '127 Hours' (filmed in Utah but not here),
where the chap gets trapped between rocks and has to chop his own arm off to escape.
It's a good job that didn't happen to me. The sharpest thing I had on me was my car keys.
I'd have been there all week.

Coming back down the East Rim trail, looking over Big Bend, heading back to Weeping Rock.

Kolob Canyon

Kolob Canyon again

The animals in Zion are pretty tame. This squirrel was plainly posing. was this lizard.