As you drive north into Yellowstone, with its glimmering lakes and sweeping vistas, the first thought that strikes you is - who's farted? It turns out that geysers spew out more than just water. They also produce sulphur, which is perfectly safe, but somewhat whiffy.
I must admit that I was slightly underwhelmed by Yellowstone on the whole. Partly because it was a cloudy day, which is never great for visibility or photography, and partly because I'd probably built it up too much beforehand. It's a very famous National Park and I had imagined that it might go straight in at number one onto the list of my favourites, but in fact I don't think it's made it into the top five. That's not to say that it isn't a wondrous place full of fascinating scenery and wildlife - it is. But I'd probably go back to all of Yosemite, Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands and Black Canyon before I came back here.
Yellowstone National Park |
Yellowstone National Park |
Yellowstone National Park |
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Today: king of the road.
Tomorrow: a burger. Several hundred burgers, in fact. |
...and yet another animal completely unfazed by humans and their machines. This time, an elk. |
Edd vs Food #14
Chicken wrap with ranch dressing at the Lake restaurant, Canyon Village, Yellowstone National Park.
It was perfect, apart from the gherkin. Nobody likes gherkins. |
Edd vs Food #15
Roast leg of Colorado lamb, with chickpea casserole, fennel marmalade and romesco sauce.
At the Spur restaurant and bar, part of the Teton Mountain Lodge hotel (v posh).
Apologies for the excessive flash in the photo - it makes the lamb look greasy, which it certainly wasn't. |