Back in Utah! And I'm very happy about it. Previously, in my blind prejudice, I had always assumed that Utah was just one big desert, with occasional pink rocks sticking up out of the sand, where Mormon men herded bigamous wives by the dozen into alcohol-free compounds. But in fact Utah is lively and friendly and fun, and full of marvellous scenery. (A lot of
famous movies were filmed here).
Salt Lake City itself, a few hundred miles south from Jackson Hole, back down Interstate 15 (via a detour to Idaho Falls, for which see photos below) is much as you'd expect: hot, flat, dry and spacious. The whole of the city, including suburbs, is laid out on a Manhattan-style grid system which makes it very easy to navigate around.
I visited the Salt Lake Temple, aka the Mormon Mecca, but frankly it was a bit of an anti-climax: it's nowhere near as big as you might expect, and architecturally it's a fairly bland mix of derivative styles. Also it suffers from being completely enclosed by larger modern high-rises, mostly owned by banks. God is big here, but Mammon is bigger.
As for the Mormon faith itself, well, I'm always open to all arguments of the metaphysical, moral and spiritual varieties; but ask me to give up both alcohol and caffeine, and just watch me turn into Richard Dawkins...
Back on the road tomorrow. Sporting action tonight first though! See next blog for details.
Downtown SLC at sunset, from the foothills to the east |
City Hall |
Sugar House Park |
Utah State Capitol |
Looking down (a very long way down) State Street from the Capitol building |
Saying goodbye to Wyoming, on Highway 26 |
Idaho Falls |
Edd vs Food #16 Henry's Fork sandwich (Caribbean jerk spiced chicken, sauteed onion, roasted red pepper, grilled pineapple and melted swiss cheese) with mixed greens, crumbled cheese and cranberry salsa. At the Snakebite Restaurant, Idaho Falls |