Friday 26 September 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

I'm staying in Estes Park, another fairly upmarket resort town. The local brewery has some good beers, notably the seasonal Wet Hop IPA, although the pub itself is somewhat unlovely. My motel is very nice, and free from nocturnal marauders of the ursine variety.

Unfortunately the weather here has been really minging, and so the photos below don't do the park justice at all. I will definitely come back here one day and make amends.

However it won't be any time soon. I can exclusively reveal that this is the last park I'm visiting on this trip. We are about to enter Part Two of my travels, and there will be no more driving around the countryside: the hire car has been handed back, after 4,000 miles over three weeks and through nine national parks across four states. Every single night I've offered up a prayer of thanks to whoever invented cruise control.

And tonight there's an extra special vote of thanks to the Budget Car Rental employee who inspected my returned vehicle and completely failed to notice the rock chip in the windscreen, the slight dent above the front passenger-side wheel, and the fact that the rear passenger-side wheel was massively out of alignment thanks to a rather brutal encounter with a pothole at a gas station in Idaho.

I'll miss having the car. Some of the satellite radio stations have a good selection of tunes which, once you've heard them while bowling along an empty highway in the desert, with the sun setting behind the mountains, you realise they were meant to be heard that way all along. For example, the Eagles and 'Joshua Tree'-era U2 and early Fleetwod Mac. Even that new Coldplay one sounds a bit less wussy than usual, out in the desert.

Anyway, as of the next blog, things will take a very different turn. Stay tuned to find out more.

A rainbow...

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park

Story of my day - the sun shining, somewhere else.

As above...

Edd vs Fast Food #2
Taco Bell
Fast becoming a favourite of mine. I know the photo doesn't look enormously appetising.
Not ideal for a sit-down meal, but a chicken Burrito Supreme is a great snack between meals.