Tuesday 21 May 2013

Toronto, Canada

I've taken a unilateral decision that my detour into Canada does not affect the integrity of this being a proper USA coast-to-coast road trip.

In the past I've entered countries by land and air, and also by motorboat (Laos) and by bridge (Mexico), but this was my first time arriving somewhere new via a tunnel. After the bus leaves Detroit, straight away you go through Canadian border controls on either side of the tunnel under the Detroit River. 

Some Greyhound buses have wi-fi, but this one didn't, and so I was completely ignorant of the score during the whole of the Sunderland match, for only the second time in my adult life. (The previous occasion was a League Cup game a few years ago which I had forgotten about.) But it's not like I didn't know we were going to get beat.

Unfortunately Toronto has been a bit of a wash-out for me, simply because Chicago and Detroit were so splendid that I prolonged my stays there and so I've ended up with only one full day here. (My flight home is fixed, so something had to give.) The justification for this is that I intend to do a coast-to-coast across the whole of Canada at some point in the future, and I'll explore Toronto properly then.

Anyway, I spent most of my one day here having a very long, leisurely and sun-drenched stroll around the Toronto Islands. See photos below.

Toronto skyline

Another view of the CN Tower. And that passing plane - pure coincidence!
I deny any suggestion that I had nothing better to do than stand waiting for 20 minutes to get this shot.

This is a small sculpture called 'Immigrant Family' at the bottom of Yonge St.
I've seen lots of expensive arty-farty abstract sculptures on my travels,
but I prefer this to all of them.