Wednesday 18 January 2012

Quito, Ecuador

I've often been told that it's the journey, not the destination, that really counts. Bollocks. Today my journey was 14 hours in economy class: my destination, where I am now, is a plush hotel suite (yes, suite) with an ice cold Corona in my hand. The journey definitely came a poor second.

Had to be up at 4am this morning to catch my 5.55am flight. This gave me the opportunity to set a personal best and indeed possibly a new world record by having my first beer of the day at 4.38am. Beat that if you can. A short wait at Schipol, during which I topped myself up with a Heineken (beers in two countries before 9am! Another record?), and then off across the Atlantic.

It was daylight all the way to Quito so I didn't bother trying to sleep. I watched 'The Usual Suspects' and 'Dr Strangelove' and did lots of Sudokus (the airport pints and the in-flight beers didn't really help there, I must admit). I also read a couple of books on my spanking new Kindle, which I can heartily recommend to all of you. Apart from those who've already got one, as there isn't really much point in having two.

I got out of the airport just as the sun was setting and caught brief glimpses of some really remarkable scenery, to which I'll hopefully be able to do photographic justice in due course. I didn't have time for photos today, because it was misty and raining and getting dark quickly, and the taxi ride took a while due to rush-hour traffic. Also, more pressingly, my pre-flight Immodium had worn off completely and the ensuing struggle was frankly a photo finish, but I'm pleased to report that I prevailed in the end.

Perhaps I didn't really need to share that last bit.

Anyway, moving swiftly on, I got settled in my hotel and then went out for a wander to stretch my legs. On the way home I bought an authentic locally-sourced indigenous Andean BBQ bacon and cheese burger for my tea.

I think I'm feeling the altitude sickness ever so slightly (Quito is 9,000 feet - nearly two miles - above sea level), but it's nothing major, I just need to walk a bit slower. The fact that I've now been awake for nearly 24 hours is probably a factor too.

A quick word for those of you who read my previous travel blog in 2008. (An even quicker word first for those who haven't read it: scroll all the way down and have a look!). This one is going to have less words and more pictures. Last time was all about me being a wide-eyed travel novice Idiot Abroad type, but now of course I'm a grizzled, hardened veteran time and this time. The main thing is that I'll do my best to keep it readable, concise and interesting. Thanks for reading and I hope you're all doing well back in Blighty and elsewhere!