Wednesday 17 September 2008

York, England

As was rather obviously hinted at in the previous update, my travels have come to an end. After 4 months, 40,000 miles, 8 countries, 14 flights, 40 different lodgings (not including overnight buses or sleeper trains) and enough foot-longs to make a mile-long, I'm safely back in Blighty, being fed & pampered at my parents' house in York.

A big thank you is due to everyone who has taken the time to follow my insignificant little musings. I am very glad & grateful for the various messages of encouragement and approval which have come my way since I've been blogging. I met lots of friendly and interesting people while I was away, but even so, when you're travelling alone in far-off places it's nice to know that people are thinking of you back home.

I'll leave the whole blog available online, but there will be no further updates after this one. However any future travels of mine (probably next summer at the absolute earliest) will hopefully be documented here in the same way. I'll try and make a bit more effort on the photographic front next time though.

In the meantime, does anybody know if there are any jobs going?