Saturday 21 January 2012

Quito, Ecuador (continued)

The posh hotel suite has been left behind, and now I'm in a hostel, fraternising with Americans, Germans, Danes, Irish, Australians, Austrians, Irish and an Israeli, among others. I'm even on friendly terms with a Frenchman, which is easier said than done. I served my home country proud with some strong performances on the pool table, but our national standing then took a bad dent at 3am on Friday morning, when three annoying posh male English gap-year trustafarians came in pissed and decided to have as loud a conversation as they could, in the dorm right next to mine.

'Raa raa raa raa raa,' said one of them.
'Raa raa raa...' his friend agreed.
'Raa raa raa raa, raa raa raa,' piped up the third, not wanting to be left out.

The discussion continued in this manner for about an hour and a half. Fortunately they left the next day, lamented by nobody.

Anyway, see below for my photographic and indeed cinematographic efforts to date. All photos in this blog are 1000x750 size, reduced from 4000x3000 on the camera for faster downloading. At some point I'll get round to putting the hi-res images up somewhere separately for closer inspection.

Quito is a nice place, as long as one is careful, but I never really imagined it as one of the highlights of my trip and I'm expecting to be out of here tomorrow. Today has been especially pleasant for me, as I watched SAFC 2 Swansea 0 on my netbook and saw N*wc*stle get spanked 5-2 off Fulham live on ESPN at the same time. All before lunch. Life is beautiful.

Punk's Not Dead! (university campus grounds)

El Panecillo, a hill overlooking the Old City, topped by a statue of the Virgin
(said by the locals to be the only one in town)

24 de Mayo
(many streets in Quito and elsewhere in Latin America
are named after significant dates in their battles for independence)

24 de Mayo again

South Quito, from the top of El Panecillo

'Love, respect and faithfulness will always be with us.'
I presume Jonathan and Gaby are English. I hope I never meet them.

A miracle! God shone a rainbow on a church! (nearly)

the Virgin atop El Panecillo

Downtown Quito, from the top of the cable car

The last church on the road to the volcano