Thursday 11 February 2021

Alicante, Spain

I'm going to call time on my blogging for this trip. My improvised circuit of Spain is pretty much complete. I may move on to Valencia, but I've already done a blog from there (in 2017) and one doesn't like to repeat oneself. 

As much as I love being in Spain, the novelty factor has long since faded. The steady succession of plazas, cathedrals, Old Towns,'s all becoming a bit of a blur. I'm still enjoying being here, it's just that I'm running out of interesting things to write about.

My plan is to get home before the end of March, get a job, and get vaccinated against Covid. The next instalment of Edd's Travels will probably have to wait until the start of 2022. Or maybe, just maybe, it'll roar back into life before 2021 is out? I hope you can all live with the suspense. Adios, for now.