Tuesday 5 January 2021

Lorca, Spain

Happy New Year everyone. And happy new vaccine too. Hurrah for the boffins at Oxford & AstraZeneca. It's the beginning of the end of the beginning of the end, or something. Hopefully.

Despite its name, this town isn't connected with Lorca the poet, the one I mentioned in my Granada blog. It's just a nice sunny little place up in the mountains, a stop-off between Almería and the cities that lie ahead. Really I only came here in order to be able to make an witty comment about 'living la vida Lorca'. And I've done that now. I'll get me coat. 

Monte Calvario

The castle, from the east

Looking down and east to the city from Monte Calvario

Castle again, seen from the north-west

One more view of the castle...this time from my hotel room

Edd vs Food #98
Chicken madras at the Taj Mahal Tandoori.
As a true patriotic Englishman, I like to soothe my homesickness with a steaming hot Indian curry.
This one wasn't quite spicy enough to make me cry, but my nose did run a bit.