Monday 30 November 2020

Madrid, Spain (still...)

I can't think of anything interesting to write (you may have noticed that this has been the case quite often of late) so I'll settle for just photos on this occasion. Moving on soon!

Palacio de Cristal in Retiro Park

The Senate

Feminist Garden.
Defiantly untrimmed.

A melding of cultures both high and low:
Velazquez's 1656 masterpiece 'Las Meninas' is currently the subject of sculptures being placed randomly all over Madrid.
Also there's a new Wonder Woman film out.

In Segovia I was tickled to find a restaurant called Selfish Poke.
Here in Madrid I have found Pokes that are Healthy and Tasty.
Now I'm on the lookout for Drunken and Furtive.

Madrid apartment #3. My favourite digs of this trip, and possibly of all my trips ever.
Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one chandelier. Less than 200m from the Royal Palace.
36 quid a night.

Madrid apartment #4. 
Not as big as #3, but better located for nightlife, and with a bit more sunshine.

Edd vs Food #93
Spanish pasties at Market Cafe 24H
Very nice, but it remains to be seen if they'll do a Christmas Bake...