Thursday 23 October 2014


Florida is the number one location in the USA for retirement homes. In other words, it's where Americans go to die. Perhaps that's because living here makes you a bit more open to the idea.

It's the 22nd US state I've visited. It's the 10th state in this particular trip*, and it contains the 10th national park of my trip, the Everglades. Colorado has forests and rivers; Utah has mountains and canyons; Florida has a swamp. It may be the world's most impressive and biodiverse swamp, but it's still a swamp. An ugly, fetid, featureless, stinking swamp that you have to pay $10 to get into. But the mosquitos dine for free. Like all humans, I undergo intense discomfiture at any threat to my hitherto unchallenged position at the top of the food chain. See photo below.

I drove my rental car north from Miami and visited Pensacola, Tallahassee, Kennedy Space Center and the Everglades, in that order. Along the way I had two one-night stays in Jacksonville. I couldn't stay in Tallahassee because it was college football weekend and all the hotels were totally booked out. (When I say 'football', I of course mean American football. There was no English football this weekend. On the fixture list it said that Sunderland were playing at Southampton, but I refuse to acknowledge that any game took place.)

None of these places really merit a blog by themselves, hence the state-wide scope of this one. Pensacola and Tallahassee were nice; Kennedy Space Center was great. I gave Disney and Universal a miss as they're not really places to visit by yourself. Florida as a whole? It's a place which I can definitely take or leave.

So I'm going to leave.

(*I've mentioned 8 of the 10 states in my blog: there's also Montana, which I entered very briefly while in Yellowstone, and Mississippi, which I crossed between New Orleans and Memphis.)

Pensacola Beach

Pensacola at sunset 

The old Florida State Capitol building in Tallahassee. It's now a museum.
(The new big ugly one is visible right behind it.)

Saturn V rocket at Kennedy Space Center.
It's still the most powerful machine ever used by mankind.

Space Shuttle Atlantis

Everglades National Park
This is about as scenic as it gets.

Edd vs Food #20
Good old fashioned meat & veg, but posh.
At Pot Roast & Pinot in Pensacola.

Edd vs Fast Food #5
Not as disgusting as it looks. Pretty close though.
The chicken was half gristle, and the beef was of the kind you buy in a £1 packet from Iceland.
They didn't even have wi-fi.
Mosquitoes vs Food #1
Fatty, quite sweet, with top-notes of ginger. Sometimes cheesy.
Very filling when served on the bone.