Thursday 7 August 2008

Melbourne, Australia (continued)

Written at 1.47am Melbourne time. Sarah & Sean have gone to bed - they were at work today and they'll be at work again tomorrow. I personally haven't done any kind of work in over three months, and I'm not tired; so I have decided to occupy my insomnia by writing another blog entry, quietly, on the laptop.

Monday was my birthday, and Sarah & I toured the delights of Melbourne to commemorate it. We went up to the Skydeck in the Eureka tower, 88 floors high, and then visited the MCG. If you've never heard of the MCG then never mind, but any cricket buffs amongst my readers will no doubt nod approvingly. The sports museum in the stadium ground was very impressive. On Monday night me and my three Melbourne buddies went out for a curry to celebrate my being even more old & decrepit than previously. 32 to be precise. It was my first curry since I've been travelling, and frankly it's been far too long. But this particular curry was worth the wait. The restaurant was called Gaylord for some reason. Good recommendation from John there. And the same goes for the bars we visited afterwards. I can easily see how Melbourne is an attractive destination for those who are contemplating life away from the shores of Blighty...but I'm not.

Tuesday and Wednesday I did more general relaxing and wandering, eating and drinking, etc etc. On Tuesday night I had another bout of tennis with Sean: after being heroically but tragically defeated 6-1 6-2 last time, I revised my tactics and redoubled my efforts, and was duly rewarded by only getting beat 6-1 6-3 this time. That put Sean in his place good & proper.

Otherwise, I can't say I've done anything too constructive or energetic or adventurous. Hey, I'm on holiday. But the hour is soon to come when such complacency will be behind will the English-speaking world as a whole.