Wednesday 27 August 2008

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Some of you may have noticed in the news that there have been uprisings and insurrections and all manner of general manifestations of bolshie behaviour going on in Bangkok. Is another military coup in the offing? Or are the proletariat going to seize the levers of power for themselves? Observing these events with my characteristic mix of fearlessness and impetuosity, I immediately booked myself a bus ticket out of Bangkok to Chiang Mai, some 440 miles to the north.

All joking aside, I was already intending to leave Bangkok anyway. Slight change of plan though - I was going to head east and anti-clockwise, but after drunkenly consulting with a few people I have instead opted for going north and clockwise. See a map of SE Asia for clarification if required. With my recent unfortunate scam episode in mind (see a couple of entries ago) I have decided to avoid all 'package' deals and just buy single tickets and accommodation as required. That's the best way to travel: just improvising it all as you go along, armed only with hard currency and one's own initiative.*

Another overnight bus up here - about 10 hours, much shorter than the last two - and I am now safely ensconsed in the Spicy Thai hostel in Chiang Mai. Bed, breakfast and free internet for £4 a night. Mint. Overall Chiang Mai is much smaller, cheaper and generally more pleasant than Bangkok. It's still unspeakably hot though, and I can't avoid breaking sweat even before I'm dry from my (cold) shower.And the lass on reception is Yet Another Geordie. For f***'s sake! How many times? This particular Geordie does at least have the virtue of belonging to the 'hot female' subdivision of the species, but nonetheless, no amount of taxonomical pedantry can change the fact that I still haven't met a single Mackem on the road. Surely something's got to give.

One more thing - and not wanting to tempt fate or anything - but after 3 weeks in South East Asia I have still yet to experience any kind of gastric problems, or toilets without paper. My fingers are crossed (while hoping not to be called upon for anything else relating to this topic).

*(and a sheet of paper containing the words 'TAKE ME TO THE BRITISH EMBASSY AT ONCE OR GARY GLITTER GETS YOUR DAUGHTER'S MYSPACE PASSWORD' translated into every known Asiatic language)