Thursday 3 July 2008

Auckland, New Zealand

Oh my God I can't believe it, I've never been this far away from home...

San Fran was a blast, but all good things must come to an end. I got a very short and very scenic flight to Los Angeles, followed by a much longer and not in the least bit scenic non-stop flight over the Pacific. I don't know if I was alone in presuming the time difference to be much more than what it is - it's only 5 hours. Well, technically it's 19 hours, but obviously it makes more sense to regard it as 5 hours and skip a day. In my particular case, Wednesday July 2nd 2008 is the day that never was and never will be. Strange things, international date lines.

Getting into the USA was a doddle, all smiles; getting into Canada was a bit more troublesome; and this morning I got the full grilling and bag search before I could get into New Zealand. This trend does not bode well for Australia - it could well be rubber glove time. I don't mind just so long as I get some foreplay, ha ha ha. (Before anyone asks, yes I have already got my visa sorted out, don't worry.)

So anyway, it's now 7.20am in Auckland and I'm checked into my hostel OK and I did manage to get some sleep on the plane so I'm feeling OK and I don't expect jetlag to be a problem, just as it wasn't when I got to New York.

I must admit to knowing absolutely sod-all about this country in advance of my arrival. The only things I can think of that I'd associate with New Zealand are sheep, mountains, and Lord of the Rings. Oh aye, and the All Blacks. And Crowded House. And the Anzacs. So that's quite a few things really. But my plan has always been to just put down my bags and have a look at the noticeboards and talk to people and see what's going on.

On the bus from the airport into town, I was very pleased to realise (suddenly and belatedly) that they drive on the left in this country. Hurrah! Might be time to finally exercise the car hire option. Next update will follow when something actually happens.