Thursday 5 June 2008

Las Vegas, NV

Vivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Las Vegas! Yes, after a very enjoyable week in Chicago I decided to have a couple of nights in Vegas. Sadly, as can be seen from the previous entry, that has now been changed into one night at Denver Airport and one night in Vegas.

My trip out of Chicago started badly...I strolled into O'Hare Airport, feeling very smug and sensible for being a couple of hours early, when it dawned on me with a deep sense of nausea and terror that my flight was actually departing from Chicago Midway, across the far side of the city. Bit of a Basil Fawlty moment to be honest. I got straight back on the subway, and then once back downtown I hailed a taxi. 'To Midway at once, my good man, and be quick about it!' Or words to that effect.

As luck would have it, my flight was slightly delayed, and that allowed me to get checked in OK, although they tutted at me for being late. Sadly, that same piece of good luck turned into bad luck later on because the Chicago-Denver flight being late meant that I missed the onward flight to Vegas. They offered me some crappy voucher, something like $5 off a hotel 'only about half an hour away'.I slept behind the electronic departures board, and the $75 I'd already spent on my first night's hotel in Vegas disappeared in a puff of smoke. Such is life.

My rearranged flight this morning left at 8.30 or so. It was overbooked and at one point it looked like I might score for a $400 voucher if I agreed to hang back four hours, which wouldn't really have been a problem. But sadly it wasn't to be, there were a few no-shows.

Will report on Vegas and also sum up Chicago in a day or two. Missing you all!