Wednesday 7 August 2019

Warsaw, Poland

Regular readers will have noticed that I always include the name of the country, as well as that of the city, in my blog datelines. You might think this is usually a bit pointless. However when I googled 'warsaw taco bell', I was directed to a town called Warsaw in the USA, in Indiana to be precise. There are no Taco Bells in Poland. And if I just titled my blog 'Warsaw' then possibly some of you might think I'm in Indiana, which I'm not. Although I'd quite like to be, as then I could get a Taco Bell.

This is my 200th blog! Trumpets, champagne, confetti, etc. Eleven years in and still going strong. It doesn't quite equate to 200 different places that I've visited, because there are numerous places from which I've blogged two or more times. But it's a milestone nonetheless. I'm going to have to think of something very special for Edd vs Food #100, although that's some way off yet.

While I'm in a counting mood, I recently totalled up all the countries I've ever visited, and it comes to 51. 29 in Europe, and 22 elsewhere. Some of my claims are slightly dubious, for example Liechtenstein & Luxembourg: I'm reliably informed that I was present as a small child in the back seat of a 1980 Saab during a family tour of Europe which fleetingly included both countries, but all I really remember is I-Spy books and blowing bubbles. Similarly, my claim to have 'visited' the United Arab Emirates rests on approximately 7 hours spent in a hotel just outside Dubai airport, midway through a return flight from a 2013 piss-up in Hong Kong.

Well, anyway, all of the above waffle is solely to disguise the fact that I only stayed in Warsaw one night, and that I don't have anything to report other than a) the photos below, and b) the fact that my long journey over land & sea from Helsinki to Warsaw is now complete. It's time to get back on a plane.

The Royal Castle, peeking out at the end of Świętojańska

Old Town Market Square

on Solidarity Avenue

Palace of Culture and Science (1955)
6th tallest building in the EU.
A Soviet creation, but thankfully too early for the worst excesses of Brutalism.

Another angle of the Palace of Culture and Science.
Even Soviet carbuncles can be preferable to studies in glass'n'steel blandness.

Ulica Nowy Świat (New World Street)
At this point the sun almost came out.

The Polish language. It's not that hard really.