Sunday 30 October 2016

Greensboro, VT

The Hill Farmstead Brewery is located near the remote village of Greensboro, Vermont. It's at least two hours' drive from any major city (and the nearest city is Montreal). Their beers, which are widely reputed among the very best that exist, are only available to buy at the brewery itself: you can't buy them at any bars or shops anywhere in the world. As I happened to be in the area, kind of, I felt I had to drop in and pick up a couple of bottles. Many thanks to my mate Mark for the tip-off.

It took a while to get up here. After picking up my rental car at Pittsburgh, I headed out on a long drive north-east and had a night in Albany, NY, before continuing on for another long drive to Portland, Maine. And that's where I'm staying, in another splendid little AirBnB room. Portland itself is nothing to write home about, if I'm being honest. Perhaps it's nicer when the sun shines? It has at least yielded some good breweries for me to visit, notably Shipyard (who export to the UK) and Allagash (who don't, but definitely should).

Sadly the weather up here in the north has been very cloudy and rainy. As such, I don't have any pretty pictures for you to look at. Rather than go on about beer any longer (and God knows I certainly don't want to talk about football right now), I'll just leave it there for today!

The Hill Farmstead Brewery

Weirdly coloured mountains in Vermont

More scenery of the kind that's probably spectacular in better weather. Bah, etc.
Also my rental vehicle. It's not very good, but at least it's easy to find in car parks.

You are what you drink. Or at least I am, anyway.

Err...authentic popular English beers, apparently!
I recognise the one in the middle...

Edd vs Fast Food #12
A bit upmarket from Taco Bell. The burritos are bigger and fresher but much more expensive.
Also they make them right in front of you, like in Subway.
This removes the eternal worry that somebody has sneezed on your food while preparing it.