Wednesday 10 April 2013


It's another epic fail on the language front, I'm afraid. I've been here two nights and I haven't learned a single word of Singaporese.

My hotel is in Little India, in the north of the city centre. On Monday night I went out and had mutton biryani for tea. How come I've never eaten mutton before? It tasted like lamb, which is fine by me. Lovely curry. Last night was Chinese food, in Chinatown (unsurprisingly): shredded pork and crispy duck, again delicious. 

Today I had a wander round Clarke Quay (very swish) and ended up taking a break from the local cuisine by stuffing my face full of grilled beef burrito, with nachos on the side. After that I was so bloated that I ended up skipping the intended Singapore Sling cocktail at the Raffles Hotel. I did have a look in, but just reading the menu made my wallet hurt.

I must apologise to all my readers for the fact that this trip has been a little bit tame so far. Nothing traumatic or unexpected has happened, really. Entertainment will ensue when it does. In the meantime may I just quickly use my little internet soapbox to complain about high-end hotels that charge you extra for wi-fi, after you've already booked and paid and arrived. Why not go the whole hog and charge extra for pillows? Or towels? Or hot water? Because you'd lose customers, that's why. Just like you've already lost this one. Tossers.

Rant over. In fairness I've kept completely quiet about both the arrival of Paolo Di Canio and the departure of Mrs T.

Anyway, see below for photos of Singapore. This is my second tour through South East Asia, and it's a part of the world which I really love - the scenery, the food, the history, the competitive pricing, and above all the people. I just struggle with the humidity. I've been sweating like a whore in church for the whole of the past week. So, for that reason only, I'm a little bit glad to be saying goodbye to the tropics.

Cable car on the way to Sentosa Island

Singapore at night
A ship on top of three skyscrapers. I don't know why.

Clarke Quay by night

It's a fashionable look, but I don't think I could pull it off.